

Indigofera Affirmation for Radiant Women


A Black Woman’s Guide to Peace of Mind

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Hello Radiant Ones!

     I wanted to share some inspiration and practical life lessons on how more black women can experience peace of mind, despite of life’s adversity, day to day problems and stress. Do you know, you are worth a life of happiness, joy and wholeness?

Don’t get stuck in a miserable existence. Life too short and full of possibilities, to live in a prison of negativity.

 You can glow, and possess that “(First Lady Michelle Obama) black woman kind of happiness.” It is really all up to you.

What is Peace of Mind?  It is a state of spiritual, mental and emotional centeredness, harmony and assurance. I believe peace of mind is missing link black women  need for optimal wellness, and success.

What happens when you are burdened with stress and do not possess peace of mind?

You can be weighed down with fear, anger, doubt, guilt, resentment and worry, just think about the magnitude of problems that brings. How often do you experience these emotions? What is the impact on your life, relationships and personal fulfillment?

Why do so many people struggle with stress, drama, poor choices, and a life of mediocrity?

I believe many factors contribute to the struggle; however the main reason is not making a decision to change.

What is the best way to achieve peace of mind?

Are you ready? You can achieve real peace of mind when you decide and commit to eliminate those, negative, people, situations and emotions that steal your joy.
  It really is that simple.  Cutting those ties can be more difficult for some of us, but when you decide to make a change for your own well being rewards are certainly worth it.

How you can get started to possess your peace of mind:

(These tips for peace of mind have really worked for my own life)

Start writing in a journal to
reflect on the reality of your life

·         Pay attention to patterns of stressful and negative emotions

·         Spend time with God daily

·         Let go of the past

·         Release what you cannot control

·         Clarify your values and discover your authenticity

·         Be patient with yourself as you grow

·         Celebrate your victories

·         Remain accountable about your life choices

·         Be more selective

·         Raise your expectations

·         Teach others how to treat you

·         Learn healthy coping behaviors

·         Speak affirmations

·         Get on with living your NEW LIFE!

Was this post helpful to you? I hope so!  Tell me why you are choosing to be radiant. J

Be sure to get my Beauty Vlog, natural hair care tips, make up tutorials, event invites and special offers by joining the Indigofera Inner Circle.

Be Radiantly Beautiful,


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Chanelle is a voice of inspiration, beauty and wellness expert for women of color who want to look and feel their best. She empowers others to increase self confidence and by sharing her love of holistic beauty, light filled living and authenticity. She reaches Radiant Beauties in the United States, and London. Are you choosing to be RADIANT? Join the Indigofera Inner Circle HERE

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