
Monday, February 28, 2011

Natural Hair Tips for your Gym Workout

How do I care for my natural hair before, during and after my gym workouts?

Regular exercise is great for weight loss, staying toned and improving cirulation (which promotes healthy skin and hair). I came across some helpful tips from natual sisters who get their work out on. Here are few ways to keep your hair and scalp healthy while exercising.

Skip the Satin

I know you always here me say satin scarves are your friend. Well for the purposes of working out, wear cotton to absorb the sweat.

Switch it up

Two strand twists may get boring after a while. Experiment french braids, a loose ponytail up high or bantu knots.

Lather up

As much as you may not want to shampoo your hair a few times per week, it may be the best way to rid cleanse away all the salt and sweat. Just be extra liberal with your conditioner and moisturizers. Remember your body will thank you exercise is on the best things you can do for your optimal wellness and longevity.

Depending on how much you sweat, the length, how much time you have and style of your hair you will have to individualize your work out hair care regimen. Some people co-wash after each work out. Others rinse with water only. The more you sweat the more ofter you should shampoo your hair. Be sure to dry it thoroughly. . You don't want create a damp environment to encourage fungus or bacteria. Yuck! Keep the dryer on a warm setting, too much help can be stressful to your hair. Tea tree oil, lavender rosemary and peppermint are popular for anti bacterial properties when apply to the scalp. Indigofera's Hydrating Hair Mist is perfect for your gym bag the herbal infusion and 100% essential oils will refresh your scalp after your workout.

Check out these blog posts for photos of natural hair styles you can wear at the gym

How I Rock My Natural Hair at the Gym

Natural Hair and the Gym Part II

Natural Hair and the Gym :How to Preserve Natural Wash and Go Styles

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